Am 28.09.2015 um 16:16 schrieb kp kirchdoerfer:
> HI Erich;

> Yes; files are identical with he released images as you requested.
> Please do.
>> What would you call the first release of 5_2? 5.2.0 or 5.2.1 ?
> 5.2.1

> I expect we'll do 5.2.1 within a month.

To me, the above is contradictory :-)

> Please improve/cleanup(?)  also the sparse usage message in upgrade if you 
> touch it.

Mhhh.. I tried to keep usage as close to *X standards as possible, there
is no man page for it, so it is probably best to do something in the
wiki. I must admit though I am a complete noob when it cones to wikis,
as I loathe this format.

I can provide some text, maybe structured like so



Upgrade is a new way of keeping your LEAF router up to date with current

What is upgrade

Upgrade is just a small script which tries its best to analyze your
current LEAF version and settings, connects to the LEAF package
repository on sourceforge and replaces your installed LEAF software with
a new release.

Just invoke upgrade from your terninal window. If you want to be fancy
about it, read the parameters section

Usage and parameters

Usage: upgrade [-v | --verbose] [--stable | --latest | --release x.y.z]
[--squashfs | --unpacked]

-v | verbose          be chatty (default is off)

--stable               upgrade to current stable release as defined on
the packages repository (the default setting)

-- latest               upgrade to bleeding edge latest release on the
packages repository

--version x.y.z      upgrade to specific version x.y.z on the packages

--squashfs           use squashfs module repository (the default)

--unpacked        use unpacked module directory (only used at development and

Without parameters upgrade will default to

upgrade --stable --squashfs


Obviously you need internet connectivity to run upgrade. Then if you
decide to be fancy about releases, be sure they exist at all. The same
goes for --unpacked, there may not be such a repository.


I am running my LEAF system with a double boot system loader, so I
always have a backup should I foul up my installation. The same goes for
upgrade. Make sure you have a backup of your running LEAF installation
before running upgrade. Better to be safe than sorry.

We may need to give an example on how to backup and restore the LEAF

Honestly I don't know how to restore a LEAF router which does not either
have a PXE capable BIOS or a double boot loader. Then I think PXE is too
hard for the average bloke.

I am using grub as my bootloader with three partitions on the media, the
first just holding the bootloader, the second my primary LEAF image and
the third a clone of the primary.  I can select which system to boot by
using a console.

You need a stable internet connection to run upgrade, It takes a while
to download all the new stuff, so please be patient

Please let us know of all the gotchas you encounter

> A remaining question is, if we should remove updater.lrp? I believe it does 
> nearly the same but I never tested it and don't know if it still works as 
> expected....???

I have never used nor seen it. Sounds like it is not maintained and I
have never seen it announced and then why make it a separate package?
Upgrading a system should be an integral part.




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