Am 26.09.2015 um 16:30 schrieb kp kirchdoerfer:
> Hi Erich;
> Am Donnerstag, 24. September 2015, 13:08:14 schrieb Erich Titl:
>> Hi KP
>> Am 22.09.2015 um 18:27 schrieb kp kirchdoerfer:
>>> In 5.2  a major target will be to finally get Erich's update mimic up and
>>> running
>> A few questions
>> - What is the 5_2 directory in the packages repository? 5.2.0?
> No. These are older packages provided for you during testing of upgrade.
> I need to rebuild the packages so it will take time to update the files in 5_2

Why do you need to rebuild the packages? They should all be in the files
directory. I believe we need one single central repository for the
released packages and IMHO the package repository would be a fine place
to keep them.

> ...
> I hoped you have an idea, depending on your knowledge of the upgrade script 
> and your tests...

Well, my idea was (and will remain) to fork off whatever into a 5.2.0
branch and delete everything there which does not belong to 5.2.0, then
for 5.2.1 fork off 5.2.0 to just replace the specific files for 5.2.1
and so on.

> I doubt you can work with git tags.

So do I, they do not appear on the web interface, but branching off is
just as well for the packages.

So I have a very good target for the upgrade script, 5.2-beta1. As soon
we can build a definite 5_2  in the packages repository I will branch
5.2.0 off for upgrade. I believe we will see the that branching here is
a good way to keep the repository clean, as long as we keep up the
discipline to just replace the affected files in the packages repository
for a new release branch. This means we need to make sure the compiled
files are reproducible for a defined release, not just functionally
equivalent. There is normally no need to fix things in the package
directory, as there would be new branch for fixes in the x.y.z release
like x.y.z+1

I am subscribed to commits, but often the information there is terse at
best (like 'merged master to maint' but why??? ) and somehow I expected
that with the release of 5.2 the packages repository would be updated at
the same time, at least to the existing structure.




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