Am 01.12.2015 um 16:08 schrieb Andrew:

01.12.2015 16:20, Erich Titl пишет:
Hi Andrew

And SoC network drivers also may be compiled in kernel, not
as modules to save some space. Rest of modules (like additional USB
network adapters, iptables modules and so on) will be compiled as

I suggest to build a new modules.sqfs with the kernel directory level
removed and permanently mounted to /lib/modules/kernel. This way we
can avoid to have to copy the modules to /lib/modules completely. We
just need to run depmod once the squashfs is mounted, then module
loading can be done from the squashfs directly and if user specific
modules are needed they can either be on an OverlayFS or be written to
a subdirectory of /lib/modules.

Permanent squashfs mounting IMHO isn't a good idea - this will require
permanent underlying device mounting. This is OK when we use mtdblock
which contains squashfs - but device's flash size usually 4-8 MB, so
there'll be no free place for modules.sqfs on it. Rest of files will be
loaded from USB flash, or even from network.

Ahh, you don't like the underlying FS be mounted to access the
squashfs file. We could always use a raw partition for this purpose.
In any case - we can't remove USB flash, this may cause kernel panic.

That is true, but not my issue here.

This may be done as option - but IMHO it'll be useful only in some rare
cases. Because main feature of LEAF - it doesn't require HDD/flash
storage that is always mounted.

True, but we could still do that, as /lib/modules is not really needed
once the system is running, except for the rare case when you need to
load another module. We could mount modules.sqfs, load the modules
from there and then just unmount it without copying the module to ram.
There would be no modules cluttering valuable ram disk. For the
occasional loading of modules we could build a wrapper for modprobe.

Yes, delayed unmounting (for ex., by S99umount) may be better solution.

You still need something for loading a specific module after system boot. Of course, educating the user may help :-)

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