Tim Collins, one of the people accused of helping refugees escape from
Woomera, is now out on bail.

This week's stories:  US Liberates More Iraqis...To the Joy of the
Australian People...All The News That Fits Editor Blows Own 
Trumpet...Quotes of the Week.

US troops killed seven Iraqi women and children at a checkpoint when 
their van would not stop as ordered, a US military official said.

(Australian Associated Press, April 1).

Claims that a majority of people now support the government's decision 
to go to war without UN backing are wrong, according to a Sydney Morning 
Herald survey. The survey found that, while support for the war had 
risen, more people oppose the war than support it.

(Australian Associated Press, April 1).

The Community and Public Sector Union has agreed to only buy tshirts 
from suppliers who are accredited as not using sweatshop labour. 
Previously the CPSU bought tshirts from China and Australia, any of 
which could have been made in sweatshop conditions.  This follows a 
campaign initiated by me.

Quotes of the week:

"The Iraqis are sick people and we are the chemotherapy...I am starting 
to hate this country. Wait till I get hold of a friggin' Iraqi. No, I 
won't get hold of one. I'll just kill him."

US Corporal Ryan Dupre.  Reported in Frontlines (US), March 31.

"Chemical warfare suits had to be worn because of the threat from the
depleted uranium used in the American weapons"

The Guardian (UK).  The media and US government generally insist that
depleted uranium is not a health hazard.
The United Nations has passed two resolutions which include depleted 
uranium weapons among "weapons of mass or indiscriminate destruction". 
Professor Doug Rokke, a former US Army physicist, sees it as "a form of 
nuclear weapon that contaminates everything and everyone".

"I've invited my fellow documentary nominees on the stage with us. They 
are here in solidarity with me because we like nonfiction. We like 
nonfiction and we live in fictitious times. We live in the time when we 
have fictitious election results that elect a fictitious president. We 
live in a time where we have a man sending us to war for fictitious 
reasons, whether it is the fiction of duct tape or the fiction of orange 
alerts. We are against this war, Mr. Bush. Shame on you, Mr. Bush. Shame 
on you".

Mike Moore, accepting the Oscar for his documentry "Bowling for Columbine".
Most newspapers reported that Moore received cheers and boos in equal
numbers.  Moore says that in fact he got a standing ovation, but five
stagehands who were near the microphones all booed loudly, making it 
appear to the TV audience that the reaction was mixed.

"I'm fed up with this war in Iraq!!! I wanna go back home!!! I don't 
wanna stay here no more!!! I don't wanna die in this war!!! PLZ make 
that motherfu--er called Bush to set us free!!! We don't need this 
war!!! If I keep stayin' here in Iraq I'm sure very soon I'll be dead! I 
don't wanna die!! I wanna live!!! I'm so young yet! FU-- BUSH!!! Please 
do something to help me and my friends here in Iraq. We wanna come back 
home! Bush is a big bastar-, he drinks our blood".

Anonymous US soldier, in an email.

"The mother held one child after another. Her eight-year-old daughter 
had been killed. A small girl, half naked, was cradled in one of the 
woman's arms, emitting tearing screams whenever she was moved -- into 
the X-ray room, out again, into the treatment room. Her face was ripped 
by shrapnel. Another child was in a bed. The doctor lifted the blankets 
to reveal a bloody mess of open leg. She howled and screamed as they 
tried to clean it, called out to Allah while her mother and aunt held 
her. Her head was heavily bandaged and one eye closed and swollen. 'The 
skull is also open,' the doctor said."
- Jo Wilding, activist staying in Baghdad.

anarchist news service
write to James, PO Box 503, Newtown NSW 2042

contact us to get ATNTF emailed directly to you.

If you like All the News That Fits, forward it on.

Some other Australian anarchist contacts:

Love and Rage is a new anarchist, non-profit record label.  The first CD 
is currently being mastered.  20 songs for $10 within Australia 
(overseas prices available soon).  Address for orders is PO Box 1191, 
Richmond North VIC 3121.  Please make cheques or money orders out to J. 

www.angry.at/thegovernment - anarchist website with fliers for download,
contacts etc.  Please note, this is the same website that was at the 
address www.angry.at/politicians.

www.angry.at/racists - Anarchist/anti-racist music site with free mp3s, 
Real Audio, Real Video, internet radio, band interviews etc.  Also 
includes the text of 'Escape', an anarchist novel - 

www.dolearmy.org - information for unemployed people.

www.activate.8m.com - anarchist magazine aimed at teenagers.

All the News That Fits appears in the Anarchist Age Weekly Review
(www.vicnet.net.au/~anarchist - PO Box 20 Parkville VIC 3052) and The 
Ham (www.theham.cat.org.au), as well as Melbourne Indymedia

Media outlets mentioned in All the News That Fits are sources - items 
are not direct quotes from news media.  Background information may have 
been gathered from sources in addition to media outlets cited.  Where no 
source is cited, the information has been gathered from direct sources.



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