This week's stories:

But The Taxpayers Probably Asked For It...Dramatic Rescue...Government
Believes It Is Losing to Public Sector Unions...Weapons of Mass 
Destruction Found...Quotes of the Week.

Former Governor-General Peter Hollingworth will get a lifetime 
government pension worth at least $184,000 a year.  He will also get a 
taxpayer-funded office, a permanent staff member, and free 
business-class travel for him and his wife on official business.  Dr 
Hollingworth also gets a pension from the Anglican church.

For the 23 months that he served as Governor-General, before resigning 
over allegations that he helped cover up sexual abuse while an Anglican
Archbishop, Dr Hollingworth was paid an annual salary of $310,000 per year.

(The Age, May 27).

The rescue of Private Jessica Lynch from an Iraqi hospital during the
invasion of Iraq was faked, according to local medical staff.
The Times of India reports that the Iraqis had actually withdrawn from 
the area two days before the 'rescue'.

Hospital staff drove Pvt Lynch to a US checkpoint in an ambulance a day
earlier but were fired on by American troops.

Dr Harith Houssana told the Toronto Star that American troops faked a 
rescue operation for the cameras.  "It was like a Hollywood film" he 
said.  "They cried 'go, go, go', with guns and blanks without bullets 
and the sound of explosives.  They made a show".

(The Times of India).

Workplace Relations Minister Tony Abbott says that unions have largely
frustrated the government's attempts to get public servants on to
individual, non-union agreements.

A document by Mr Abbott says that non-union agreements are declining, 
the government's favoured Australian Workplace Agreements remain 
unpopular, and public service agreements continue to be higher than 
equivalent pay rises in the private sector.

The document recommends that the government make AWA's compulsory for 
all new public servants.

(Workers Online website, May 23).

['[EMAIL PROTECTED]' is mis-spelled deliberately because the censorship software 
at my work would block it otherwise]

Investigators at a US Army base have found more than 2,000 tons of 
hazardous waste including 100 vials of [EMAIL PROTECTED] and other dangerous 
bacteria. They are believed to be left over from a US germ warfare 
program that was ended in 1969.

The Pentagon said it had no record of the biological agents dumped at 
the US site, which is being excavated as part of a $US15 million 
($A22.94 million) clean-up of the area.

"The documentation for where this came from doesn't exist," Lieutenant
Colonel Donald Archibald, Fort Detrick's director of safety, told the
Washington Post newspaper.

The Army expected to find mostly laboratory chemicals, debris and
incinerator ash when they started digging at the site two years ago.
Instead, they uncovered vials of live bacteria like Brucella melitensis,
which causes the flu-like disease brucellosis and Klebsiella pneumoniae, 
a cause of pneumonia.

They also found a nonvirulent form of [EMAIL PROTECTED] The potent form of the
disease was brewed by the gallon at Fort Detrick until the weapons 
program was shut down.

Another 50 pressurised cylinders of gases and liquids found at the site 
are still awaiting analysis.

"You never know what's there until you start digging," said Colonel John
Ball, the Fort Detrick garrison commander. "We've generally ruled out
finding a nuclear weapon."

(Australian Associated Press, May 28).

Quotes of the Week:

"I'm ready to meet my Maker and answer for those who have died or who 
have been horribly maimed as a result of my decisions".

Tony Blair, in the Times, May 27.

"In Iraq, there was a government holding valuable resources the U.S. 
could not control. So the U.S. took action. In the Congo, the U.S. 
controls the government and the resources, so it doesn't really matter 
that millions of Congolese are dying."

Prof. Didier Gondola, author of "The History of Congo" (Greenwood Press

"The United States cannot afford to write off any potential new export
market. A vast and growing market of 700 million consumers, Africa is in
many ways the last frontier for U.S. exporters and investors. We cannot
stand idly by waiting for Africa to achieve perfection before we engage
actively in helping to shape its future. If we temper our engagement, or
hold back until the whole of Africa is on even footing, we will concede
important opportunities to our competitors and worse still, leave doors 
open to our adversaries...A visionary economic policy toward Africa is 
in our own long-term interest."

Susan E. Rice, former US Govt. Assistant Secretary for African Affairs.

Since 1998, civil war in the Congo has killed three and a half million
civilians.  Less than 25% of its 55 million population have access to 
clean water, and three out of every four children born during the war 
have already died or will die before their second birthday.

Last October, an independent panel of experts reported to the UN that 85
multinational companies based in Europe, the US and South Africa had
illegally profited from the war in Congo. The panel's investigations led 
to the conclusion that the war "has become mainly about access, control 
and trade" of minerals.

(information from SchNews news report).

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Media outlets mentioned in All the News That Fits are sources - items 
are not direct quotes from news media.  Background information may have 
been gathered from sources in addition to media outlets cited.  Where no 
source is cited, the information has been gathered from direct sources.



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