Op 14-08-11 15:02, Olaf Schmidt-Wischhöfer schreef:
Hi Henk,

[Henk Hoff, 14.08.2011, 14:25]:
If you talk about future license changes as defined in the CT: active
contributors are defined as contributors who have edited the map in at
least 3 different months (don't have to be consecutively) in the
previous year.
Exactly. So someone who has contributed for several years, but only during two
months of the previous year, is not allowed to vote.

With all due respect. The user in your example where I was refering to, *would* be allowed to vote. During the discussion about the definition of the Active Contributor, we've changed it so a seasonal mapper would not be denied voting.

The definition of Active Contributors is about *active* contributors. Would you not expect that contributors who are actively involved with OSM that they would at least do some more work than an occasional once-a-year mapping? Based on the definition in the CT people know what to do to be involved with the future license of OSM. If contributing in 3 different months during the last year would be too much of a burden, are you then really involved?
And just in case that's really too hard, join the OSMF as a member.


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