On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 02:25:20PM +0200, Henk Hoff wrote:
> Op 13-08-11 09:22, Olaf Schmidt-Wischhöfer schreef:
> >Someone who contributes for 15 years to OSM and does all contributing during
> >holiday time (e.g. December and July) will never be allowed to vote. Why do
> >you claim that this person is not „self-respecting“?
> >
> >
> Where did you get this idea?
> If you talk about the OSMF: you may vote when you're a fully paid-up member.
> If you talk about future license changes as defined in the CT:
> active contributors are defined as contributors who have edited the
> map in at least 3 different months (don't have to be consecutively)
> in the previous year.

Okay - so i lost my right to vote because i am blocked out of OSM
as i did not accept the CT, thus i am no longer an active contributor.

Nice process ....

Florian Lohoff                                                 f...@zz.de
„Für eine ausgewogene Energiepolitik über das Jahr 2020 hinaus ist die
Nutzung von Atomenergie eine Brückentechnologie und unverzichtbar. Ein
Ausstieg in zehn Jahren, wie noch unter der rot-grünen Regierung
beschlossen, kommt für die nationale Energieversorgung zu abrupt.“
Angela Merkel CDU 30.8.2009

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