
I've got a running Red Hat 7.2 (very minimal) system up.  What exactly would
you want from me?

Mark Post

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Higson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 4:56 PM
Subject: Re: OK who messed with the redbook?

I had promised an IBM guy that I'd help him prepare a CD he could give
to his customers so that they could just run Linux/390 on their PC's;
just like the Demo shown at the GSE (Guide Share Europe) Linux Working
Group meeting in the Schoeneicherstrasse 220 in Boeblingen.

Of course, I have an ulterior motive;
I was so impressed with the one slide that showed the RedHat, SuSE, Turbo
and Debian Logo's that I thought that a CD containing an IPL-able
mini-system from each distributor would be quite neat.

Anybody want to help me? I run Debian/390 here, and ThinkBlue/64,
but I'm not up to speed on SuSE, RedHat or Turbo.

Richard - "This letter hasn't been censored ... yet"
It turns out that treating software as property
makes bad software. ===Moglen===
Have a nice day ;-) Richard Higson mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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