Clay Tablets?  You had CLAY Tablets?  Whoa!

We had to chisel our reports into granite-  after we quarried the rocks.
The computers were fluidic and couldn't be run when cold, so a cold start
was difficult!

And sharpening the chisels on a daily basis was 2/3rds of our workload in
The burster/decollator folks hated all the rock dust they'd be coated with.

We didn't even HAVE disks back then-  the wheel hadn't yet been developed!

John R. Campbell, Speaker to Machines (GNUrd)      {813-356|697}-5322
"Will Work for CLAIM Codes"
IBM Certified: IBM AIX 4.3 System Administration, System Support
Backup: Toby Schmeling {813-356|697}-5233

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