On Wed, 17 Apr 2002, Alan Cox wrote:
> Then what are the gains - more people doing S/390 build for testing and also
> able to look at S/390 specific bugs in general open source code. More
> application availability - without Hercules there would be no Mumps for
> S/390 for example.

Interesting.   Consider a snippet from the April 15th update described at

Description:  Dasd device bringup.
Symptom:      The system crashes in dasd device bringup.
Problem:      The bottom half can be called early with a request on the block
              device queue. The bottom half requeues the request to the internal
              dasd queue although the device is in a state where this may not
              happen yet.
Solution:     Plug the device while it is initialized.

Examine the diff updates to dasd.c. Contrast this to

Coincidence ??  I don't think so.  Alan's point is already proved.

I think I can safely testify that this was not a trivial piece of debugging
work; I was first made aware of the problem in late November.  I can also
rather confidently testify that without available source that I would not
have identified the problem in the same timeframe.  What would happen in
a closed source environment such as z/os ??

But, according to Phil Payne, I can be politely described as a `mug'.
`mug' or not, I think this could be an example where IBM benefited not
only from opensource but also from hercules.

As an observation, I think a `fair number' of hercules users are rather
well-versed in IBM mainframe software/os installation.  A fair number of these
are/were system programmers.  A fair number believe in the mainframe and its
capabilities, and are advocates of IBM mainframe technology.  I would venture
to guess that the number of man-years in experience of IBM mainframe technology
by hercules users is staggering.

But, I'm only a `mug'.  I suppose we're actually much better off living
in Phil's perfect world.

Greg Smith

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