Does that mean that folks in this group are just an illusion?

Of course it does - didn't you know that all the answers here are generated automatically by a pipe written by Rob, fed over a network link from Alan via an interface written by Neil?

Whew, talk about sleeping through the alarm clock. I wonder
what it's going to take to wake Redmond up?

That's not the point. It's the sheer blindness of people where Windows is concerned that's the problem - quite frankly, I don't think that they know any better. It drove me to tears in my last job. And the problem is exacerbated by managers who think that the thing that they have at home that they play games on can be used to run a company. Now, if OS/2 had been promoted as a home system... no, wait that's another story...

To be honest, most of the Windows people that I've had to deal with don't
know anything about alternatives and quite frankly, they wouldn't last two
minutes on a more complex system. Sigh... I despair, really, I do...


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