On Fri, 2003-06-06 at 15:43, John Summerfield wrote:
> On Sat, 7 Jun 2003 04:17, you wrote:
> > Someone should explain to Mr. Balmer that this "weakness" is kicking his
> > butt. Especially considering that with all of the money that Microsoft
> > has to invest they still can't seem to produce a manageable, or secure,
> > product. Whew, talk about sleeping through the alarm clock. I wonder
> > what it's going to take to wake Redmond up?
> Do you really think they don't understand the threat? I'm sure their
> understanding has little relationship to the truth: they say what they _want_
> people to believe.

John, It really wasn't intended to be quite so serious. But since you
mention it, I am not convinced that they do understand. I'm sure that we
have all seen the interviews with x-MS'ers that speak to the fact that
they may well be this disconnected. Of course my paranoid side wants to
believe that it's all a play on words to get the community to believe
that Linux is insecure, unmanageable and evil.

As far as the support "illusion", I too have had excellent experiences
working through issues directly with developers and members of the
open-source community.

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