So, for those of you playing along at home:

I'll eventually release a new VMARC, but I need to find and update the
help file sources first, and I need to do the whole thing under update
control and build the package, and in the meantime:

I'm using the 0803 SWAPGEN as my starting point.  Lines 243-244 read:

parse var msg . . . . . newblks .
if blks <> newblks then signal WrongBlks    /* Mismatch, error */

Between these two lines, stick:

if blks = '' then blks = newblks

(that's two single quotes, not one double quote)

And there you go: if you use REUSE (as you would if the VDISK is
specified in your directory entry) then you no longer need to specify
the number of blocks.


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