> > Is Linux-IL a big source of spam? Is it harvested? Any evidence?
> I believe the plasma-gate archives are. since the addresses are not
> linked anymore, I can't say if it still is, as my dedicated return
> address doesn't get spammed (yet). fact is too many here got the same
> spams (like me and Omer Zak get frequent spam in Turkish).

This is just 2. Anyone else? I don't recall any Turkish spams.

> it should be swift and painless.


> because people DON'T. I got some 8-9 requests to resend the meeting
> announcement in private Email. makes little sense.

And you think that you won't get those if the calendar is available
in some other form? By all means, let's have a calendar, if only to
reduce the number of personal queries to 6-7. All I am saying is 
I am kinda sceptical about the effect (I am for it in any case).

> WHAT maintainer? 

A very valid point.

> the calendar on Egroups sends prescheduled messages to the list if
> requested. and there will be a central place to update events by ENYONE
> ON THE LIST, no need to trust a single contact webmaster-of-the-month.

Verification of the source of a change won't be an issue, I suppose.

> I do. all those unsub requests on the list drive me mad sometimes, and I
> can't do s*&t about it. 

And why do you think they won't? Are you saying that people cannot
unsibscribe, email the owner, don't get any answer for a long time,
and them post a single word "unsubscribe" to the list out of
desperation? It's not my impression, but if that is the case then
this is also a very valid reason.

> not in person, except for my own 35 person tech news list, which works
> like a charm.

I thought it disappeared. Is it still there? I liked it. How do I

"... We work by wit, and not by witchcraft;
 And wit depends on dilatory time." - W. Shakespeare.

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