On Thu, 2006-08-10 at 07:15 -0500, Jeremy Nelson wrote:
> The "add_to_array" function is the alist api, and is used for:
>   - Symbols (aliases, assigns, commands, functions, sets, and inline expandos)
>   - Nicknames on channels
>   - Notify
>   - 005 values the server supports
> I think the big question is whether or not these things are important
> enough to optimize with a better data structure. [1]

And I think I should point out my Database Primitives (dbprim) library,
which I originally wrote for replacing ircu's database.  It includes
doubly-linked lists, hash tables, sparse matrices (for managing
user-on-channel associations and the like), and red-black trees (for
cases where you need efficient searching and ordered display)...take a
look at http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/dbprim/
Kevin L. Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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