At 12/2/2006 09:15 PM, Jesse Rodgers wrote:
a lot of internal folks had a hard time figuring out why what was on the screen was not what was coming out of their printer. Some people got really upset. They don't mind the click to a print version but the auto-format on print just freaks some people out.

I think print styles aren't as common because it is just not what people seem to want, they want to print what they see on the screen exactly as it appears.

My optimistic hope is that this kind of WYSINWYG shock is transitory, and after a while people will become accustomed to print styles differing from screen styles as more and more developers learn to style for print.

For example, the people referenced above, having once experienced the bee-zarre screen<>print phenomenon, will take it more in stride the next time it comes along and will be more likely to say, "Oh, yeah, I've seen that," rather than exclaim, "WTF!"


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