Jonathan Peterson wrote:
> Maybe we need to sponsor Matt Wright? The inverse of the 
> Damian sponsorship, we would cover whatever revenue he gets
> from his scripts in return for him shutting all the sites
> down for a year, and redirecting everyone somewhere else.
> What do you reckon? Sponsor Matt to not be involved 
> with Perl for a year?

I thought Matt gives away the scripts for free, so what revenue is involved
probably comes from banner ads. And from what I heard, Matt wrote those
scripts several years ago and isn't doing much on them these days, so paying
him to "not be involved with Perl" probably won't change what he's doing. Or
has he produced something new recently? (Too lazy to check.)

For all I know, he might even be a decent Perl programmer now, but too lazy
or apathetic to go and update all of his scripts. Or he might be a Java
programmer now and say "here are some scripts I wrote some time ago; you're
free to use them on an as-is basis but I'm not doing any maintenance on them
as I've moved on".

Philip Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
All opinions are my own, not my employer's.
If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.

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