> I'm a firm believer that we need a central place like
> http://www.ltsp.org to go to for all things relating to LTSP.  Whether
> it is original content hosted in our own wiki or links to Vagrants
> excellent documentation on LTSP in Debian or to the fantastic work that
> Alkis has been doing with ltsp-pnp.  When someone has a question about
> LTSP, the place to start should be LTSP.org.

100 % agreed

> I really want to make the LTSP.org website better.   I don't know if
> that means throwing everything out and starting over or just tweaking
> what we already have.
> Who's on board to help out?
> Jim McQuillan
> j...@ltsp.org

I would like a lot to help, but I am running my own business and 
sometimes cannot contribute that much time I would like to. It's a thing 
of seasons. But within this scope, I'm here :)

And I need some own experience with current LTSP first. I am a Suse fan 
(don't like Ubuntu too much), so I would try to set up LTSP on a Suse 
system, document my experience etc. There has been some documentation on 
the Suse website about it, but it's not up-to-date anymore.

Further, they used to deploy it together with Kiwi. From my experience, 
for a newbie this means to learn just another basis, more tweaking, and 
it never was quite clear to me why it was done this way. So I would like 
to develop a way to just download the latest version from ltsp.org and 
start going, having a clear step-by-step manual (just like the one you 
made for LTSP 3). (Or use the one from Suse repos, but you would have to 
convince me that this is really better...)

 From my experience, everything boils down to knowing where the scripts 
are, what the scripts do at which place, where the boot images are, how 
booting works and where to find the files in charge. This way, I once 
set up an old LTSP 4.2 plus 5 on the same server, tweaked it a bit, and 
it served us until today. Now it's time to update the underlying system, 
the hardware, everything, so I looked out for a central place (!) to 
find some information on modern LTSP.

Modern LTSP has a lot of scripts that do the job, but I use to feel this 
strange itching when I don't know what some script is really doing. So 
concise documentation I mean would be to give simple instructions as 
well as hints to the background.


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