W dniu 07.02.2017 o 01:24, James Linder pisze:
> Adam
> my auld fart opinion is that no one using ltsp.org, except perhaps 
> checking that setting green ones green one evening, would be using a 
> mobile.
> Since resources are scarce, worrying about "mobile friendly" for more 
> than 1 min seems an utter waste. This is a working site being fashonable 
> "in todays world" is irrelevant.
> I'm not being horrible to you for heretical thoughts (sorry if it looks 
> like I am).
> James

James, I'm too old to using mobile for web (i use Mint on my thinkpad),
but I was worry about Google Page Index. That is all. And 1 minute was
enough - but let's put it away = it does not matter anymore.

Let's focus on wat we can do ;-) Alkis said about upgrading server - I
think it is good place to start.

Do we have IRC channel to talk ? Yes - we have : http://www.ltsp.org/irc/

I think we shoud use it more...  Or, for technicals, maybe it is better
to create ltsp-web or something like that?

I'm wainting for you to talk about web page.


I'm  using xUbuntu 16.04 LTS with LTSP-PNP

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