Re: "come" in the sense of orgasm: One of my research areas is the use of obscenity to describe health concepts, so I happen to have encountered this question before. The OED Third dates this usage to "before 1650" and Partridge's Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English to 1600.

Catherine Arnott Smith, PhD
Assistant Professor
School of Library and Information Studies
University of Wisconsin-Madison

"Employed professionally to test ideas and propose solutions, to deepen knowledge 
and refresh perspectives"
[Judge J. Harvie Wilkinson in Jefferson vs. Cuccinelli, quoted in editorial, "A 
Shabby Crusade in Wisconsin", [New York Times, 28 Mar 2011].

Music is neither old nor modern: it is either good or bad music,
and the date at which it was written has no significance whatever.
     (Peter Warlock - The Sackbut - 1926)

"Be sure you choose what you believe and know why you believe it, because if you 
don't choose your beliefs, you may be certain that some belief, and probably not a very 
creditable one, will choose you."
Robertson Davies, The Manticore (London: Penguin, 1972; pp. 477-478)

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