Richard Heck wrote:
Helge Hafting wrote:
* Layout files should be able to set things like document font, language,
  paper size and so on - if the layout writer thinks it is appropriate.
Today I can't just send someone a custom .layout, I have to tell them to
  set "palatino", margins, and so on too.  And they have to do this on
  every new document, if the custom document type don't match
  document defaults otherwise used.
Please post an enhancement request about this so it doesn't get lost.
Enhancement request 4072 filed.

* References.
  - Should be mostly automatic. The writer should not need to insert
a label in order to refer to section 3.6.1 - LyX should automatically
    offer all numbered entities in the reference dialog, and generate
the latex label as needed. The explicit label is only needed in cases
    like a reference to the fifth paragraph in a section - it _might_
    end up on a different page than the section heading.
This would be nice, indeed.
Enhancement request 4073.

Helge Hafting

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