Andre Poenitz wrote:
On Sat, Nov 03, 2007 at 01:12:24AM +0200, Martin Vermeer wrote:
On Sat, Nov 03, 2007 at 12:00:42AM +0100, Abdelrazak Younes wrote:


OK, I've done some cleanup an the crashes are gone but the inset layouts are broken!

Martin, Richard, do you have an idea here? I don't know if we shall we fix Inset::getLayout() or if we shall assume that each inset hard-code its own layout.

 Help please,
this is precisely the way _not_ to do it. The calls to setLayout() in the various insets are designed (by Jean-Marc during the Bromarv meeting) to get precisely the right insetlayout based on the inset's name().
Year I noticed that... calling virtual methods in ctors is dangerous and should be avoided.

Well, it has a well-defined semantics (the incarnation of the currently
constructed part is called).

I know but I sometimes forgot that in the past.

It's not 'dangerous' but usually not too

Well it was not really dangerous but when your code relies on the inheriting class calling a virtual method without enforcing it can result in crashes.


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