Le 30/09/2016 à 16:21, Joel Kulesza a écrit :
On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 5:18 PM, Guillaume Munch <g...@lyx.org
<mailto:g...@lyx.org>> wrote:

    It's also useful to say that LyX has many bugs and quirks, but that we
    use it (and like it) anyway, for lack of anything that comes close to
    it. (My own experience, again.)

I would add that while LyX does have bugs/quirks/missing features, the
developer team is open-minded and responsive to user feedback.

Yes, to add to this, the fact that there is a critical mass of active
developers (~10 on average apparently) and users means that I can
entrust my documents to it. I do not see any risk that it might go bust
overnight or in 10 years.

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