This is probably more of a general issue: when *master* is set to use 
biblatex, and a child hasn't been changed to use biblatex as well but 
uses, for example, natbib, two inconsistencies can happen:
1) when child contains "Insert>...>Bibliography", it will have 
\bibliographystyle and \bibliography commands, but will add the correct  
\addbibresource to the master. The solution would be to automatically 
switch the child to biblatex or at least warn the users of this 
inconsistency on their side. 
2) child can have commands like \citeyearpar that will not be recognized 
by biblatex when the master document is compiled. 

I'm actually wondering if there's really need for child documents to have 
their own Document>Settings (their own preamble), independent of the 
master document's settings. 

What are your thoughts?

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