Le 14/06/2017 à 20:08, Scott Kostyshak a écrit :
OK. So we are stuck. I want to come to a decision before beta1. I'm not
sure what to suggest. I get the feeling that we've had enough discussion
and further discussion will not lead to a unanimous agreement. In this
case, I suppose we need to take a vote. Can I get a +1 from someone else
that thinks a vote would be a good idea in this situation?

OK, now that I have gambled one of my feet on the minted debate, it is time to put my second foot onto the hyphen mindfield (the trick is to keep your foot firmly on the ground after hearing the 'click' of the mine [1]).

I would really prefer a solution based on a special inset over another one using ERT. Seriously, ERT is the theoretical solution, nobody wants to really use it. This is the point where we see that Unicode is not the solution to all of our problems...

So I see two solutions:
1/ we decide that our dedication to keeping the format of documents is of the "best effort" kind and we do nothing (what about that for best effort?) 2/ we introduce in 2.3 a special character that does whatever it needs to do to preserve formatting


[1] As demonstrated in the short novel "The Ants", by Boris Vian. OK OK, this is not really relevant to non-French-speaking people, and probably not relevant either to French-speaking people born after 1980.

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