Dekel Tsur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Mon, Aug 12, 2002 at 07:12:35PM +0200, David Kastrup wrote:
> > 
> > Available at
> > <URL:>.  Now
> > the deadline for the proceedings is already over, but this will
> > certainly not be the last time I try to hand something in, and the
> > talk itself is yet to happen.
> > 
> > Comments?
> Perhaps you should mention Texlite.
>  "It must be noted that LyX screen display in particular in the math
>   area does not seem to be optimized for readability."
> What does this mean ?

The default fonts on my system look like junk.  Sorry, that's how it
is.  In particular, the math fonts plainly are awful (basically being
sloppily rendered line drawings).  But the text fonts also are not
good.  Some sort of printer fonts (what is it, Times or what?)
rendered at screen resolution without antialiasing does not cut it for
readability.  Even with antialiasing, printer fonts at 100dpi would
not be too ergonomic (substituting a washed-out display of
well-rendered characters for a crisp display of badly rendered
characters), but at least more tolerable (take a look at TeXmacs

My Emacs source text buffers use 20x10 fixed fonts.  That are fonts
that are actually designed for readability _at_ _screen_ _resolution_.
This criterion need not imply fixed fonts; it just happens that I find
the particular one I use more readable than the available proportional
fonts here.

>  "LyX has the same update-per-keystroke policy that, in connection
>   with justification, leads to the concertina effect of shrinking
>   and expanding lines during normal text insertion."
> LyX can be configured to show the text on screen with ragged right
> alignment, without an impact on the latex output.

Good.  I'll find out how, now that I am told.  Will the casual user
find this out easily?

David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum

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