>>>>> "Clive" == Clive Andeson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Clive> I am running RH 5.2 kernel 2.2.7 and I have tried both lyx-0.12
Clive> and lyx-1.0.3pre2 and I get the following two errors: 1. When i
Clive> type lyx i get an Alert window with the following error
Clive> message: LyX wasn't able to find it's layout descriptions!
Clive> Check that the file "textclass.lst" is installed correctly.
Clive> Sorry, has to exit :-(

Clive> I get around the problem by typing lyx -sysdir
Clive> /usr/local/share/lyx (from the man page)

Clive> 2. When I load a file I cannot view it with viewdvi, or
Clive> postscript view.

Clive> I get the following Alert three times: Error: Could not change
Clive> to directory: /tmp/lyx_tmp11766aaa/lyx_bufrtmp11766aaa Success

Clive> I suspect this has to do with improper configuration but any
Clive> help would be appreciated!


You have to make sure that the xforms rpm that you use is for libc6
(aka glibc). The version which is commonly found on redhat contrib
sites is *not* correct. You should see when doing `ldd lyx' that both
libc5 and libc6 are used.

You will find a correct version at ftp://moni.msci.memphis.edu/pub/.
Note that while the name and version of the file are the same as the
redhat one, they are different things. It is confusing, but we have to
cope with it...

Hope this helps.


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