On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 08:25:17PM -0600, Bob Lounsbury wrote:
> Just wanted to put in another shameless plug for Gmail. Two or maybe
> three more reasons I love it:
> 1) Nearly unlimited storage at 6.5GB of 'free as in free' space, which
> is always getting larger. Although I've been using it for three years,
> I am currently only using 6% of my available space after all that
> time. So, yes nearly unlimited.
> 2) I don't have to rely on one computer to view the lists messages
> because it is web based. So, I use it at work (not to often though :-}
> ) then at home or wherever I have internet access.
> 3) Also, just to repeat myself. Gmail automatically "threads" emails
> by subject, so it is very nice to read as they say it's like having a
> conversation with people.

Well, that's a feature of every decent mail reader (and has been so
for a dozen years...)

For 1) and 2) I rather rely on my laptop than relying on someone keeping
_my_ data. It might be a bit different when only used for public mailing
lists, but then I rather have all of my correspondence in one place,
public or not.


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