On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 12:19:25PM -0600, Bob Lounsbury wrote:
> >  > 3) Also, just to repeat myself. Gmail automatically "threads" emails
> >  > by subject, so it is very nice to read as they say it's like having a
> >  > conversation with people.
> >
> >  Well, that's a feature of every decent mail reader (and has been so
> >  for a dozen years...)
> True. But Gmail collects them in "conversations" so rather that having
> to click on each message within a thread and then scroll through the
> message to view it, all I have to do is scroll down the page and
> follow along with the conversation just like looking at a web page or
> something. (To have to move the mouse around and click on each message
> and then scroll through the message is tiresome for me, call me lazy
> :-} ),

Call _me_ lazy, but I usually spend exactly one keystroke per mail I read -
that's 'd' as in 'delete-the-one-that-I-just-read-and-show-me-the-next-one'.
Of course, if there's more than ~80 lines in a mail I have to press
<space> do scroll down, but I'd guess way more than 80% of my mails are
shorter than that.

> >  For 1) and 2) I rather rely on my laptop than relying on someone
> >  keeping _my_ data. It might be a bit different when only used for
> >  public mailing lists, but then I rather have all of my
> >  correspondence in one place, public or not.
> If all I ever used was one single laptop I would definitely agree, but
> I use probably four different computers in any given week.

I am in the same ballpark, but then I keep 'private' stuff and 'work'
separated, and for 'stuff at work' I have a completely different set
of 'privacy rules'...

> I'm not too worried about Google going anywhere in the near future,
> but if something were to happen it would be easy enough to POP3 all my
> messages for backup (which may not be a bad idea anyway now that you
> made me think of it ;-) ).

Unless this service is shut down without prior notice. And even if it is
not shut down you never know who accesses your data.

> There may be riot or something if Gmail vanished.

Would definitely be an interesting experiment ....


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