On Mar 29, 2010, at 11:00 AM, Attila Csipa wrote:

> On Monday 29 March 2010 08:07:06 Marius Vollmer wrote:
>> all the good stuff in them, because they know that these repositories
>> are well-maintained and backed by a community: packages are not
>> abandoned, and they can expect them to be updated when necessary.
> Yes, we have not talked about this much but if you take a look at the 
> gronmayer list now, you'll see that a good chunk of repos there has shut 
> down, 
> taking into oblivion their packages, too, and to make things worse, they 
> nearly all miss the source section (most likely an unintentional oversight). 

Also a potential violation of the GPL.

> Also, consider that the QA/testing process we have is a 'light' (and 
> occasionally buggy ;) version of what happens in large distros (i.e. if you 
> have trouble complying with Maemo's requirements, Debian stable compliance is 
> lightyears away).


> The historical distros have all been through this phase of 
> 'zillion packages from all over the net' and evolved towards centralized 
> repositories for a reason (while keeping the *ability* to install whatever 
> you 
> want). I still think (and will lobby for) maemo.org supported PPAs as a 
> recommended (not forced !) solution for testing/devel/procedural problems, 
> instead of general repository anarchy.

It might be the way to go.

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