On Tue, May 04, 2010 at 06:50:21PM +0100, Graham Cobb wrote:
> Will there be any SDK/autobuilder updates to go with this?

Not required right now, but it's an interesting question.  For example,
one existing request is to enable ogg support in sdl-mixer which would
require /something/ to be done in order for extras apps to be able
to use it.

I'm not sure what the right solution would be.  The recent work on the
Fremantle side seems particularly relevant, but may be too much work
for this.  Niels, what do you think?

> I am assuming anything built with the current autobuilder should work with
> this community update -- is that right?  Are there any updates to any
> libraries?

Everything should work fine for now.  There are some libraries in the
updates but they only contain bug fixes (no API changes).

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