Hi Mark,

--- Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dave Troiano wrote:
> >
> >When I try to do this, I receive the following
> error
> >message:
> >
> >"Note: The list administrator may not view the
> other
> >subscriptions for 
> >this
> >user."
> >
> >It seems like this should work, and I should not be
> >receiving this 
> >error
> >message.
> Why should the admin of one list be allowed to
> view/change information
> for a user's other subscriptions to lists of which
> she/he may not be
> the admin?

The scenario we have is that I am the list owner for
all the lists. And we have a controlled
subscription/unsubscription process whereas members
will need to fill out an online request form to
subscribe/unsubscribe, that I process manually.

so the common scenario is when someone requests to be
unsubscribed from all of the lists they are on, or
they leave the company and we need to remove them, we
need a way to quickly identify all the lists they are

> >Does anyone know of a way to resolve this
> >issue so that I may 
> >see
> >what other lists a specific member is on?
> If you are the site admin, log on with the site
> password and you will
> be able to do this. If you are not the site admin,
> but you have access
> to the command line scripts, use bin/find_member.

I'm not the site admin and don't have access to the
command line scripts, unfortunately. But how do I log
on as the site admin to a list in order to view this?
I could get the site adming ID and password if needed.


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