On 2/16/06, Ken Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 15, 2006, at 8:19 PM, Adam Kennedy wrote:
> > But now I'm just getting annoyed and I doubt I can contribute any
> > further to this conversation without repeating myself or resorting to
> > outright flaming, so I'll step out here.
> Why do you think these threads keep happening on lists that AREN'T
> M::B's list?  It's very frustrating for me.  If there are problems we
> can solve in M::B, please bring them to our attention.

The reasons these discussions happen in other venues besides the MB
lists is because the MB lists are moderated and sometimes a post
doesnt hit the list for days after it was posted and then isnt
responded to for some time.  Also, I think that expecting every
critical thought about MB to be sent to the lists is unrealistic.
People have posted lots of discussion on Perlmonks for instance, but
ive rarely/never seen you comment. Is it so hard to pop by a site
where your users congregate and see what they are saying about your
stuff?  I mean we aren't talking about some obscure site with 7 users,
we are talking about one of the flagship perl help sites. As an
example I stopped hanging out in clpm because I found perlmonks, but i
still do the occasional search to see whether any of my modules are
being discussed.

Not only that but when legitimate concerns have been raised the
response has been less than positive.

For instance the subject matter of this thread (CPAN distros without
Makefile.PL's) has been raised time and time again. With almost every
time the exact same message.

And we still don't see that Makefile.PL being made mandatory. (And
judging from your comments in this thread it seems we shouldnt expect
to either.)

How long did it take to come up with a patch to make Cwd install ok on
Win32? A long time and in the end I wrote it.  As soon as you realized
that MB couldnt install CWD on win32 you should have a) ditched MB for
that project until it worked everywhere, b) fixed MB. I mean
seriously, if the author of a project like MB can't get it to work
properly on his flagship core distro and leaves it as such doesnt it
strike you as a pretty serious issue? Yet you havent released an
update to MB in a while because it breaks some feature of CPANPLUS?
(With an installed user base a mere fraction that of CPAN?)

I think you need to reconsider some of your positions. Making MB built
modules work as often as possible is much much more important than
adding new features whose appeal is restricted to module authors.
Making MB built stuff work on both of  the popular OS'es (Linux and
Win32) is more important than making it easy for an author to pick
which license they are releasing their module. Making feedback as easy
and painless as possible is more important than having a spam free
mailing list. Monitoring how your module is impacting the marketplace
is important, you cant just expect every comment to be emailed
directly to you.

And telling people that MB is great because its easy to extend while
ignoring the fact that most peoples first interaction with MB will be
when it fails to work is just counterproductive.

Frankly getting your product out the door more often with less changes
per release would help.  Its time to stop caring about the 10%ers and
start worrying about the 90%ers. If you can get an MB out the door
that has features and bug fixes that appeal to 90% of your user base
then forget about the stuff that you havent got working that only
appeals to 10%. The 10% will get over it and probably help you do the
work anyway, and the 90% are going to be able to yell a lot louder and
in a lot more places than you can respond to.

IMO, the MB PR has been awful. Time to fix that.

There is no excuse for a module built with MB going on CPAN without a
Makefile.PL. MB should provide one automagically if the user hasnt
requested it. If people dont need the Makefile.PL then they can ignore
it just fine. Its only a few hundred bytes. But if it isnt there then
the build is going to fail almost EVERYWHERE. And thats bad. Much much
much worse than providing a Makefile.PL that will never be used.

And BTW, before anybody tries to skewer me for saying this stuff,
consider that I have filed bug reports and patches. Ive gone from just
bitching about MB to trying to be constructive and helpful about it. 
MB is a good project that has gotten a bad name for decisions that
were no doubt made with good intent but that have backfired. Its time
to start taking these kinds of comments seriously and change the
public perception of MB. And respond to the issues raised.

I like to add a last point: I realize that you are a volunteer and
that you have a life besides Perl. But you have placed yourself as the
lynchpin of a number of core functions. If you dont have the time to
keep up with that then you need to change your development practices
and start distributing your responsibilites. Im not saying you should
do this, im just saying that a lack of tuits for stuff like this isnt
really a good excuse for something with the profile of MB or

BTW, i really hope that this isnt perceived as a flame. Thats not
whats its intended to do. Its intended to be thoughtful and
constructive critcism with the aim of improving the standing of MB in
the community. I hope it acheives its goal.

ps: I'll go out on a limb here and say that MB should NOT be made core
until it makes Makefile.PL production mandatory. And until it can
install all of the core modules that are built with it on all of the
main OS'es that use it. Actually id go even further and say that no
core distro should use MB until that distro can be installed on all
the main OS'es.

perl -Mre=debug -e "/just|another|perl|hacker/"

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