
On 100813F, at 16:30, Gabriel Berriz wrote:

Is there a programmatic way to get the correct value of the datasetConfigVersion attribute, for queries like

<!DOCTYPE Query>
<Query completionStamp="1" count="" datasetConfigVersion="0.6" requestId="biomart-client" uniqueRows="1" virtualSchemaName="default">
<Dataset interface="default" name="btaurus_gene_ensembl">
  <Attribute name="ensembl_gene_id" />
  <Attribute name="description" />

Until some months ago, I used to get this information with the following query:

/biomart/martservice? mart=btaurus_gene_ensembl&virtualschema=default&type=version

But now this query fails with the following error message:

Mart name btaurus_gene_ensembl not found on server for the serverVirtualSchema specified non-BioMart die(): Can't call method "version" on an undefined value at /ensemblweb/wwwmart/www_59/biomart-perl/cgi-bin/martservice line 424.

Gabriel F. Berriz, PhD
Senior Bioinformatics Developer
Roth Lab
Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology -- Harvard Medical School
250 Longwood Avenue
Seeley G. Mudd Building 322B
Boston, MA 02115-5701
Telephone: 617.432.3555
Fax: 617.432.3557

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