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>But let us consider, in the absence of any proof, simple logic.  Why would
the Assad regime have launched such attacks, militarily ineffective as they
were, just weeks after Obama publicly stated, and trumpeted in the lackey
media,  that chemical weapons would be his 'red line' to destroy the Assad
regime's military?   Why would Assad play into Obama's hands in this way?
Isn't that scenario, in the light of constant US goverment lies revealed by
Wikileaks, more than a little too coincidental?

Because Assad calculated that the US was not actually interested in another
military confrontation. China and Russia had vetoed the 2012 resolution
against his regime, meaning that there was basically no chance for a
UNSC-based regime change operation like in Libya. He also knew that the US
was basically depending on Iran in Iraq, and both the Iranian govt and the
Maliki regime at the time were backing him.

So, if Obama had drawn a red line, crossing that line would be a way to
call the West's bluff, thereby quelling any hopes of foreign intervention
against him. Indeed, looks like that's what happened. Obama did not have
the support -- nationally, internationally, or otherwise, to launch another
regime change operation, and it's doubtful that he even wanted to given
that his foreign policy has been characterized more by traditional
"realist" imperialism rather than neoconservatism.

- Amith

On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 10:48 PM, Mark Richey via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> I don't know who launched the Ghouta attacks, and to my knowledge, there
> is no credible proof either way.  But there is certainly doubt about the US
> version, with both Hersh and now two Turkish deputies making the same
> allegations independently.
> But let us consider, in the absence of any proof, simple logic.  Why would
> the Assad regime have launched such attacks, militarily ineffective as they
> were, just weeks after Obama publicly stated, and trumpeted in the lackey
> media,  that chemical weapons would be his 'red line' to destroy the Assad
> regime's military?   Why would Assad play into Obama's hands in this way?
> Isn't that scenario, in the light of constant US goverment lies revealed by
> Wikileaks, more than a little too coincidental?
> And, precisely when UN chemical weapons inspectors had been invited into
> the country, and were able to quickly go to the site?
> At the time, the Assad military was at least holding its own.  His
> position was far from desperate, as we know, much better than now.
> Assad would have had to have been a FOOL, to put it mildly,  And while one
> can document that his regime is dictatorial, brutal, lying..I have yet to
> hear any allegation from ANYONE that he is a fool, not even from Obama, the
> Turks, the Saudi beheaders, etc.
> Unless someone can show evidence the man is a fool, it's difficult to
> credit the US version.  And given The Tonkin Gulf, the Iraqi weapons of
> mass destruction, the overthrow of Mossadegh, the lies about Khadafy's
> massacres, etc. etc. etc.,  doesn't the adage apply:  'fool me once, shame
> on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me?'
> How can anyone take the US side here, without proof,  with a straight
> face, especially if one claims to be a 'marxist'?
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