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On 10/29/15 2:27 AM, Michael Karadjis via Marxism wrote:
So once again, why do people like you keep trying to force reality to
fit your theories no matter how much it refuses to fit?

I think the answer for that is obvious. Richey is a non-Marxist radical. A conspiracy theorist basically. A few days ago I cited Bassam Haddad's "The Syrian Regime's Business Backbone" to help him understand something about Syrian society and why the uprising is so difficult to defeat. It was like trying to explain chess tactics to a Cocker Spaniel, I'm afraid. When a military is defending privileges of a torturing elite against the majority of a nation, that is what happens. The poor have nothing to lose. He brings up the Gulf of Tonkin, being utterly clueless that most rebels are shit-out-of-luck former farmers, workers and small proprietors from Syria's hollowed out agrarian sector, basically the same social classes that fought to throw the American military out of Vietnam.


Four years of devastating drought beginning in 2006 caused at least 800,000 farmers to lose their entire livelihood and about 200,000 simply abandoned their lands, according to the Center for Climate & Security. In some areas, all agriculture ceased. In others, crop failures reached 75 percent. And generally as much as 85 percent of livestock died of thirst or hunger. Hundreds of thousands of Syria’s farmers gave up, abandoned their farms, and fled to the cities and towns in search of almost non-existent jobs and severely short food supplies. Outside observers including UN experts estimated that between 2 and 3 million of Syria’s 10 million rural inhabitants were reduced to “extreme poverty.”

As they flocked into the cities and towns seeking work and food, the “economic” or “climate” refugees immediately found that they had to compete not only with one another for scarce food, water, and jobs, but also with the existing foreign refugee population. Syria was already a refuge for a quarter of a million Palestinians and about 100,000 Iraqis who had fled the war and occupation. Formerly prosperous farmers were lucky to get jobs as hawkers or street sweepers.

full: http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2013/12/understanding-syria-from-pre-civil-war-to-post-assad/281989/

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