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Chris Slee criticized our article on the looming Assadist onslaught against Idlib (https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/africa-and-middle-east/syria-towards-the-final-battle-in-idlib/)

In reply I would like to say the following:

Chris Slee writes: “Michael Probsting describes Idlib as "the last remainng liberated area". But the Turkish army has bases in Idlib, and much of the province is controlled by groups which are Turkish proxies.”

To be precise, the Turkish army has 12 “observations positions” at the demarcation line between the rebels and the Assadist/Russian/Iranian forces. Yes, as we have explained in past articles, Turkey tries to get influence over the region and instrumentalizes the Astana factions for this purpose (see e.g. https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/africa-and-middle-east/the-turkish-russian-invasion-against-idlib-has-begun/)

But if Turkey would really control Idlib, there would be much less problems for Putin, Rouhani, and Erdoğan and they could implement their Astana agreements in Idlib without major complications (as they have just done in Deraa in the Southwest).

Chris Slee has always claimed that HTS is a proxy of Turkey. This has been the propaganda line of the YPG/SDF – the servants of US imperialism. We have always denied this and provided numerous facts for this (see e.g. https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/africa-and-middle-east/turkey-s-hidden-war-against-hts-in-idlib/)

I have no intention to repeat all what has been written. But it seems particular silly to me that Chris Slee keeps this slander even now instead of admitting that he was completely wrong! (I remember well how Chris Slee even tried to defend the hilarious accusation of YPG/SDF that the HTS would have joined Turkey’s attack on Afrin!) The whole world – outside of the YPG/SDF bunker – reports about the demands of Damascus, Moscow and Teheran on Erdoğan to clamp down on the HTS and their allies. How can Chris Slee explain all those efforts of Turkey to unite the various FSA factions against HTS? If all factions in Idlib would be Turkish proxies it should be very simply for Ankara to unite them. Obviously this is not the case!

Even our enemies are forced to accept this. Look what the Assadists are saying themselves! Al-Watan, a regime paper, wrote yesterday:

“/Militants from Al-Nusra Front have rejected Turkey’s demand for dissolution of the terrorist group’s units in Idlib province in Syria’s northwest, according to the Syrian newspaper Al-Watan./

/The developments came after Ankara demanded that al-Nusra Front militants join the so-called “Northern Syrian Army,” which is being formed by the Turkish military./

/Also, Turkey urged al-Nusra Front’s foreign mercenaries to return to the countries from which they arrived and surrender to the law enforcement agencies there./

/Al-Watan reported that Ankara also plans to use the recently established National Liberation Front, made up of several rebel groups, to drive al-Nusra Front terrorists out of Idlib/.”

(HTS not disbanding in Idlib, they prepare to fight, 2018-08-04 https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/hts-not-disbanding-in-idlib-they-prepare-to-fight/)

Denying the contradictions of reality is not only an assault on dialectic but also on simple common sense.

This is even more the case with the particularly original (to use parliamentary language) line of defense of Chris Slee: “/Probsting claims that the YPG has offered to join Assad's assault on Idlib. However the quotation he gives from an interview with Salih Muslim refers to "military operations against Turkish-backed militants in Idlib and Afrin", and says nothing about doing this jointly with Assad./”

But how should the YPG/SDF join the attack on Idlib if not in coordination with the Assadist army? The whole liberated area is surrounded by the Assadist forces (except in the North where the Turkish-occupied Afrin is)! It is simply not possible from a military point of view to attack Idlib without coordination with the regime, Russia and Iran!

And anyway, what is the context of the YPG leader’s statement that they are ready to attack Idlib? It is their negotiations with Assad in order to make a deal with the regime! The very article from which we quoted the YPG leaders statement is published by a pro-YPG source (Kurdistan24) and is titled: “Kurdish leader reveals details of first meeting with Syrian government”.

Or does Chris Slee also want to deny that the YPG/SDF is currently negotiating with the regime? Is this another Trump-like “”Fake News”?!

I can only conclude by saying: Chris Slee, please leave the YPG fantasy world and return to the earth!

Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
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