Congrats to everyone on a successful 1.2.1 -- there was a relatively 
small influx of bug reports following it -- perhaps a sign of improving 

In any event, as Phil Elson likes to repeatedly point out (<wink>), we 
have a great deal of awesome new features in master that it would be 
great to get out.  As for time frame, I think if we aim for a 1.3.0rc1 
of May 27, that's within a good time frame to get something out in time 
for Scipy.  That will put us about 8 months past 1.2.0, which is not far 
off from my eventual goal of 6 month releases once things get 
streamlined.  We can, of course, adjust the date as necessary as we go 

So... let the bug triaging begin!  As there are lot of new features in 
the queue, I think it's important to distinguish the "nice to have" from 
the "must have".  I've created a new milestone "1.3.x blocker" that we 
should use for critical bugs that should hold up the release.  All other 
new features that are looking close to ready for 1.3.x should be 
milestoned 1.3.x, and as we get closer, we can punt those on to 1.4.x.  
Simple bugs that apply to 1.2.x as well as master should be milestoned 
as "1.2.x" and merged onto the "v1.2.x" branch (as we've been doing), as 
I still think we should reserve the right to make another 1.2.2 bugfix 
release if necessary.

There are a couple major ongoing projects that I think we'll need to get 
to a steady interim state before we can make another release.

   MEP10: Documentation

      We already have a number of improved docstrings, and better 
organization throughout.  I don't think we need to finish all of this 
work before the next release, but we should get it back into shape so 
that the doc build has fewer warnings (#1896) and the LaTeX build works 
again (#1836).

   MEP12: Reorganize and cleanup examples

      Again, I think a lot of great work has already been done, and we 
don't necessarily have to wait until it's done.

For both of the above, it would be nice to divide the work up so the 
leaders of those projects are less individually burdened.  Nelle and 
Tony, if you know of any critical blockers or loose ends that should be 
tied up before a release should be made, please make issues for them and 
milestone them as "1.3.x blocker".


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