Hi Michiel,

On 13.04.2013, at 1:30AM, Michiel de Hoon wrote:

> The slow speed for long paths like the one in your example was due to a 
> limitation to Quartz itself. This was solved by breaking the path up into 
> subpaths of up to 100 points. But you mentioned that releases before 1.2 were 
> not slow (and I verified this with matplotlib 1.1.1), suggesting that 
> something else is going on. Can you check which change between 1.1.1 and 1.2 
> is causing the slowdown for your example?

It's the passing of set_dpi (commit 6533674) - that's still unchanged in master,
but I don't see any speed penalty compared to 1.1.1 any more. I don't know if
the change you mentioned above completely fixed this or just made up for it
by speeding it up otherwise…
I have just merged all updates to backend_maxosx.py and _macosx.m back
into 1.2.1, and this seems to solve the issue and passes all tests as well.


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