Great news! A lot of fantastic work has been done by a whole host of people
to go into this release. It's exciting stuff!

May 27th sounds like a sensible target to me. As you know, I'm an advocate
of releasing often - the more frequently we make a release, the less we
will have the "impending release rush" that can really hamper the whole
release process.


On 11 April 2013 17:38, Michael Droettboom <> wrote:

> Congrats to everyone on a successful 1.2.1 -- there was a relatively
> small influx of bug reports following it -- perhaps a sign of improving
> quality?
> In any event, as Phil Elson likes to repeatedly point out (<wink>), we
> have a great deal of awesome new features in master that it would be
> great to get out.  As for time frame, I think if we aim for a 1.3.0rc1
> of May 27, that's within a good time frame to get something out in time
> for Scipy.  That will put us about 8 months past 1.2.0, which is not far
> off from my eventual goal of 6 month releases once things get
> streamlined.  We can, of course, adjust the date as necessary as we go
> along.
> So... let the bug triaging begin!  As there are lot of new features in
> the queue, I think it's important to distinguish the "nice to have" from
> the "must have".  I've created a new milestone "1.3.x blocker" that we
> should use for critical bugs that should hold up the release.  All other
> new features that are looking close to ready for 1.3.x should be
> milestoned 1.3.x, and as we get closer, we can punt those on to 1.4.x.
> Simple bugs that apply to 1.2.x as well as master should be milestoned
> as "1.2.x" and merged onto the "v1.2.x" branch (as we've been doing), as
> I still think we should reserve the right to make another 1.2.2 bugfix
> release if necessary.
> There are a couple major ongoing projects that I think we'll need to get
> to a steady interim state before we can make another release.
>    MEP10: Documentation
>       We already have a number of improved docstrings, and better
> organization throughout.  I don't think we need to finish all of this
> work before the next release, but we should get it back into shape so
> that the doc build has fewer warnings (#1896) and the LaTeX build works
> again (#1836).
>    MEP12: Reorganize and cleanup examples
>       Again, I think a lot of great work has already been done, and we
> don't necessarily have to wait until it's done.
> For both of the above, it would be nice to divide the work up so the
> leaders of those projects are less individually burdened.  Nelle and
> Tony, if you know of any critical blockers or loose ends that should be
> tied up before a release should be made, please make issues for them and
> milestone them as "1.3.x blocker".
> Cheers,
> Mike
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