Hi Cornelius,

(putting my GNOME cap on for this post)

Cornelius Hald wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-05-24 at 08:48 +0300, Quim Gil wrote:
>> See the whole "What would you do to encourage application
>> developers on GNOME Mobile?" discussion starting at
>> http://mail.gnome.org/archives/mobile-devel-list/2010-April/msg00003.html
>> and even my own post back in February that got basically no traction
>> from anybody involved in GTK+ development -
>> http://mail.gnome.org/archives/mobile-devel-list/2010-February/msg00010.html
> It would have been nice to inform people on the maemo-devel list about
> those posts.

I would encourage anyone interested in Hildon or GTK+ on mobile
development to sign up to mobile-devel-list - as Quim has (obtusely)
pointed out, there are not that many platform developers on there, which
makes deciding things like how to spend money more difficult (for
information, the GNOME board has been discussing this for a couple of
weeks, based on that discussion, and will be making a proposal soon).

Also, as I think Quim knows, there are no GTK+ developers on that list -
to reach them, if that was his goal, he would have needed to post to

>> Nokia gave a substantial fund to the GNOME Foundation with the main goal
>> of promoting GTK+ based applications for Maemo 5 and also to help
>> building a future path for them in future releases - now in practice
>> MeeGo Handset UX releases. There is still not a concrete plan for that
>> budget that I know, which is not, er, optimal considering how fast time
>> passes both for Maemo 5 and MeeGo.
> If we had been informed, maybe we could have made some suggestions. But
> yea, if it's still not decided what should happen with that money it is
> a real shame.

It's certainly not too late! Head over there & pipe up now.

One of the difficulties is that the request is so broad that it is
difficult to know what is expected at the end (and, after all, any
donation should somehow be used in a way which satisfies the donor) -
"encourage application developers on GNOME Mobile" could be supporting
Hildon, or integrating Hildon into GTK+, it could be (as I suggested in
that thread) promoting the development of applications on the platform,
or providing better developer tools for the platform, or trying to
identify platform gaps preventing application developers & working to
fill those gaps with small sponsored internships (like Summer of Code),
or improving the application on ARM, it could even be doing some kind of
marketing program or running an application development competition.

What it fundamentally comes down to is that choices need to be made,
€50,000 is a nice amount of money, but you can't do everything with it,
and so you need to brainstorm potential solutions, and then have someone
make a choice, and the people empowered to choose were not necessarily
involved in the thread Quim pointed out.

> 1.) Provide people with some time and/or money to bring all Gtk changes
> that are needed for Hildon upstream into the real Gtk.
> 2.) Let them make sure that the current Maemo5-Hildon compiles against
> that new Gtk.
> 3.) Give them insight into the Harmattan UI spec, to make it possible to
> adapt the look and feel.

Please do make these suggestions upstream. However, I would point out
that €50,000 might not go as far as you would think on working down this
list. It is, for example, about 10 or 12 man-months of good engineer's
time - so "provide some people wite time and/or money" might mean 3
people for 3 months, and your money is gone.

> Personally, I really really want to have Hildon on MeeGo. Not because I
> think it's the future or that it is superior to Qt. No, simply because
> it would be so frustrating to see my volunteering work of over a year go
> into oblivion. If I had the time (3-4 month full time), I would rewrite
> my application using Qt. Unfortunately this is completely unrealistic.

Let me ask the question this way (re. what Alberto wrote earlier): if I
used Hildon on top of a stock upstream GTK+, what would be broken?

If the answer is "not much", then as Arjen (almost) said: "Sounds
perfect for the community repository".


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