hi list
I have a problem where files recently downloaded go missing and it
happened over 3 times and on patition/s with enough available space
I want to verify it 1 more time before knowing hdd is failing for sure

for example newly downloaded videos via yt-dlp go missing, torrent files
go missing, all of them recent, and I didn't touch them because I know I
restarted torrent client a few times and every time no Missing File error
was shown and I didn't go in that torrent directory for many days

so what gives?
is hdd failing? but how do entire files go missing?
maybe hdd metadata/header corruption of some kind?
I did not do a fsck yet, will do it and report if anything new
just so you know hdd is old and frequent read and write, mostly
sequantial, but random too
I tried searching internet, nothing of answer came in view

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