Look indyrock asshole! I'm on another hip n' trendy music mailing list - modest mouse! 
And I saw your post:
"But I spoke with someone very close to isaac, actually someone in their band, "
which I find sort of hard to believe. But aaaanywaaay... I too know people close to 
Isaac who say the whole rape thing is bullshit (which, not to my credit or anything, I 
assumed all along). Supposedly it's a made up story - I don't know, NO ONE knows 
except the people present when said event took place, but in any case I think if, upon 
hearing this nasty little rumor, you tended to think he might be guilty and began 
pretty much treating him as if he were, then you're unenlightened as to what happens 
to guys (in bands or not) who happen to sleep with the wrong girl. Not that rape isn't 
a reality, but let's face it, there's also the unfortunate reality of women making up 
incidents in order to get revenge, or for whatever crazy reason. My opinions about a 
woman who would do this sort of thing go way off the map, mostly because it takes away 
from the real anguish of genuine victims and makes it harder for these victims to see 
justice served. I'll shut up now (and I apologize for !
anyone offended by my personal addressing of the indyrock guy, but he's annoyed me one 
too many times). 

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