>>> David Hodgkinson writes:

  dh> Is the RH7.0 installation stable? It comes with everything as a
  dh> DSO and _should_ work...

      hmmm, if i could get RH7.0 to *install* i could check that out.
      anaconda (read: python) can't find it's POSIX libs, so the whole 
      thing's a bust from the get-go.  (i'm a bit bitter about RH 7.)

      prebuilt solves the problem nicely for people running linux;
      however, that's not everybody.  i'm sure there are sun shops out
      there without the sysadmin expertise to download and compile
      mod_perl properly.  i'd rather see the configure/compile process
      simplified than try to provide binaries for a dozen platforms --
      that would allow the folks who'd be tied to compiling each new
      release to do more interesting and profitable things.

      i'm also sure that there are "technical managers" who can be
      sold on Perl, since it's from a single source, but cannot be
      convinced that running an enterprise system on software that's
      been culled from three separate sources will prove robust.  i
      know it works, you know it works, but people who'd accept a job
      title like "technical manager" might get nervous.  

      personally, i have no issues with how it works now; i'm just
      trying to contribute what i've heard the problems are.


kevin montuori

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