On Tue, 5 Dec 2000, Eric Strovink wrote:

> A number of people have been beating around this bush, so why not just
> mow it down?
> A huge win for advocacy would be a small set of complete example
> applications targetted at, say, the last two RedHat distros.  Each
> application should install itself -- .conf files, .htaccess files,
> dbm's, directory structures, perl code, html and templates, correct
> version of Perl, CPAN packages for any stuff needed, Apache, mod_perl,
> mod_ssl, mod_whatever, mysql, database schemas, database contents,
> DBI, Session, front-end proxy -- everything.  Each application should
> gronk whatever's already there, or rename it out of the way.
> Warnings in big letters.  Tough doots.

Do you have any idea how hard this is? Seriously. Because I do. Dave
Rolsky does. And doing this for free is going to be nigh on impossible.

> Each application package should contain dumbed-down documentation that
> explains what it does, and how it does it.

Good writers are really hard to come by.

I don't want to poo-poo on the idea by any means, the *idea* itself is
fine, but the implementation of it is non-trivial.


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