At 08:26 PM 12/5/00 +0000, Matt Sergeant wrote:
>On Tue, 5 Dec 2000, Eric Strovink wrote:
> > A number of people have been beating around this bush, so why not just
> > mow it down?
> >
> > A huge win for advocacy would be a small set of complete example
> > applications targetted at, say, the last two RedHat distros.  Each
> > application should install itself -- .conf files, .htaccess files,
> > dbm's, directory structures, perl code, html and templates, correct
> > version of Perl, CPAN packages for any stuff needed, Apache, mod_perl,
> > mod_ssl, mod_whatever, mysql, database schemas, database contents,
> > DBI, Session, front-end proxy -- everything.  Each application should
> > gronk whatever's already there, or rename it out of the way.
> > Warnings in big letters.  Tough doots.
>Do you have any idea how hard this is? Seriously. Because I do. Dave
>Rolsky does. And doing this for free is going to be nigh on impossible.
> > Each application package should contain dumbed-down documentation that
> > explains what it does, and how it does it.
>Good writers are really hard to come by.

Good writing is also quite time consuming to do. Arguably even more so than 
coding when you take into account drawing diagrams and testing the 

>I don't want to poo-poo on the idea by any means, the *idea* itself is
>fine, but the implementation of it is non-trivial.

I agree. Huge binary distribution might be nice (similar to the Win32 
Apache Mod_Perl binary) but it is fraught with a lot of work. I think there 
are ways to make the Apache/mod_perl install easier which perhaps should be 
more the focus instead.

Things I'd like to see:

1) mod_perl problems with DSO solved. DSO would make it easy to compile one 
apache and then install mod_perl as a separate RPM.

2) shell scripts that do some introspection on how Apache was compiled in 
the first place and creates a shell script to do the final compilation 
instead of having to guess all the cmdline params.

#2 is not easy, but I think there are heuristics that could certainly help. 
At the very least a sample shell script to go along with each type of 
install with commented out params would help provide a simple example.

Then the user could selectively delete the comments if they want that cmd 
line parameter. I find installing mod_perl when I haven't done it in months 
very annoying because I have to keep hunting around readme's to discover 
the cmdlines that I used.

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