> -----Original Message-----
> From: imacat [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 08 February 2007 15:06
> To: Perl Module Authors List
> Subject: Re: Delete hate speech module
> On Thu, 8 Feb 2007 01:28:12 -0800
> Eric Wilhelm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > # from Andy Lester
> > # on Wednesday 07 February 2007 10:25 pm:
> > >> I'd just read of Time::Cube, a disjointed rant full of 
> hate speech.
> > >> This is the kind of content that is most deserving of 
> deletion from
> > >> CPAN. Would the responsible parties please go nuke this, please?
> > Given that the license does not allow it to live on CPAN, 
> I'd say we 
> > have to remove it.
>     Correction: Time::Cubic.
>     As I'm not a citizen of U.S., I have no idea on this Time Cube
> theory thing till now.  I paid a visit.  Well, even if it 
> comes with an
> valid open source license, I do not agree it's proper to allow such
> hatred words on CPAN.  That is really very bad.
>     I understand that for some psychos (may or may not be the 
> Time Cube
> followers) the best way is to ignore them rather than fight 
> with them. 
> But since hatred is involved in this Time::Cubic, psycho or not this
> will hurt the public image of CPAN, which many people work 
> hard to make
> it better for a long time.  It would be very bad if Time Cube 
> followers
> gather and plan on killing the Jews or educators on CPAN with 
> a Artistic
> license.  CPAN may not be always serving the public 
> interests, but must
> not hurt the public, nor become a tool to hurt the public.
>     This is only my humble opinion.
Ahah, now I see the correct module name, I can browse the source and see what 
the issue is. The only difficulty is that the module could be somebody's 
incredibly poor taste sick joke, and people could raise the old chestnut 
argument about free speech.

If the module were in the Acme:: namespace, there might be a case. But as it's 
not, my vote is for nuking the module and reprimanding the author.

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