On 2013-11-18, at 7:27 AM, Todd Rinaldo wrote:

>> I commented in the article, but I’ll bring it up here too:
> I want to know how we can get google to start showing metacpan results 
> instead of search.cpan.org results. Right now if I search for Module::Build, 
> my first page hit is: http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Module%3A%3ABuild even 
> duckduckgo does this.
> Todd

I don't have a real answer here, but one problem may be the huge amount of 
inbound links search.cpan.org has vs metacpan.org  Having been around so much 
longer, it's natural that search.cpan.org is the clear winner in this 
department.  To a degree, MetaCPAN perpetuates the problem by publishing module 
Pod which, in many cases, links back to search.cpan.org as well.

I know a lot of people are already doing this, but when linking to a module in 
a blog post, on StackOverflow or when linking directly to a CPAN search site in 
your Pod, it would be helpful if the link pointed at MetaCPAN.  Also, you can 
can add links to your MetaCPAN author page on other sites where appropriate.  
That's likely not the only issue that's hurting MetaCPAN in the SEO department, 
but it's one that can be improved over time.  

Olaf Alders


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