Gabor Szabo writes:


Easier to fix than Google would be DuckDuckGo. Currently DuckDuckGo puts
‘instant answer’ boxes at the top of some results, such as in:

However this doesn't happen for the names of Perl modules:

DuckDuckGo accept contributions of instant answers:

I haven't looked into what's involved, but it sounds like it might be
plausible to get an instant access box linking to MetaCpan at the top of
search results for Perl modules.

GitHub projects already have this, which means that Cpan modules whose
source happens to be hosted in GitHub currently get boxes like this:

Ideally a MetaCpan box would be higher priority and appear instead of
the existing GitHub one as being more useful for users (rather than
developers) of a module).

Obviously doing the above wouldn't have a direct effect in Google
results, but it would still be an improvement to have this in
DuckDuckGo. It has the advantage over many potential SEO activities of
being a defined piece of work with tangible output.

Anybody feeling inspired to give it a go?

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