Gabor Szabo writes:

> I tried to collect my thoughts and your comments on getting more
> people to use MetaCPAN instead of
> It is not going to be easy and thus it got a bit long:

Thanks for writing that.

> I'd be glad to read your opinion on this!

I think part of the problem is that Google's algorithms need to change —
not just for MetaCpan, but for various content. The situation is
basically this:

• A site has existed for many years, over which time many people have
  linked to it, including putting links in automated systems and

• A rival site appears, and many people start linking to it in places
  where previously they would've otherwise linked to the old site. Some
  of this will be changing links from the old site to the new one, but
  much of it will be simply when creating new links.

• Because of the history, the old site still has many, many more links
  to it than the new one does. And automated systems linking to it mean
  that new links are being generated to it.

That should be something Google's algorithms can detect, and use to
favour the new site over the old one. It can spot the introduction of
the new site and realize that it has similar content to the old one. If
it spotted links being changed from the old one to the new one (but not
t'other way round, or at least in far greater numbers in one direction)
that should be a sign that people overall deem the new one to be

Spotting that new links are going to the new site instead of the old one
is harder, but not impossible to detect.

Until now this I'm guessing this hasn't been a big problem for Google,
because ‘website has been popular for a decade then a better rival comes
along’ requires at least a decade to elapse. But as time goes on, Google
is going to have to do something like the above detection to avoid
becoming an archive of websites that used to be useful.

Of course that doesn't mean that Google will fix this in a timely manner
for MetaCpan.

So an alternative course of action would be:

• Get a job at Google (they seem to always be recruiting).
• Join the search algorithm team.
• Enhance the algorithm to address the above.

Any takers?

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